The invitation to the Feast of Victory is Christ’s to make, not ours! At Hope, it is not our tradition to have a specific age or grade that children have their first Holy Communion. If you and your child have discerned that they want to begin receiving the bread and wine at the Table, we welcome you to attend a few weeks of faith formation about how Lutherans understand God’s grace and presence in the sacrament. 

What dates are First Communion classes?

First Communion classes will be held on the following Sundays from 2:00-3:00pm:

  • March 12th
  • March 19th
  • March 26th

When do we celebrate First Communion?

We will celebrate this milestone on Maundy Thursday (April 6th) at 7:00pm by recognizing those who are new to participating in the Christian faith in this way. 

Do I need to accompany my child to class?

Yes, your participation is greatly appreciated.

Do I need to register?

Yes, please register so we know how many to expect >> CLICK HERE

Who should I contact if I have questions?

Please email Pastor Rebecca or call the office during business hours at 248-553-7170.