“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship,

to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” – Acts 2:42

At Hope, we understand that faith is a lifelong journey, and one we do together as a community. We seek to create opportunities for all ages to experience the love of God and to grow in their relationship with Jesus.  Hope offers a variety of ways for those in our community to build relationships and deepen their faith through study, conversation, prayer, and support.  Here you will find some of the ways we provide faith formation for all ages:

  • Sunday Fellowship Hour

    Every Sunday morning, we hold a Fellowship Hour in our Welcome Center with our Coffee Bar open, as an intentional time to gather for fellowship and community-building.

  • Child Reading Bible

    Children & Youth Ministries

    Helping our young people form a solid foundation of faith and learning about God’s love for them is an important aspect of our ministry at Hope.  This includes supporting children and families in important faith milestones such as baptism, first communion, confirmation, and more.  Click here to learn more about our Children & Youth ministries.

  • Bible and a Path

    Adult Ministries

    We offer a variety of opportunities for adults to grow in their faith and build relationships through Bible study, book groups, artistic expression, and conversation.  Click here to learn more about our adult faith formation ministries and groups.

  • Hands reaching out

    Pastoral Care & Prayer

    As we go through challenges in our lives, God calls us to support one another and find strength in our shared faith as a community.  Hope has a variety of ways we provide pastoral care and lift one another up in prayer, especially when facing difficult times.  Click here to learn more about our prayer and pastoral care ministries.

  • God Pause Daily Devotional Resources

    God Pause is a daily devotional produced by Luther Seminary that is available online and can be subscribed to via email to receive each day’s devotion directly to your inbox.