outreach grant applicants 2021

The Outreach Grant Committee is pleased to present 7 applicants for your review. Voting will be online only and will be open from Friday, November 12th through Sunday, November 21st.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Committee Chair or call the office during business hours at 248-553-7170.


  • Grant Proposal: The purpose of this grant would be to provide 800 Days for Girls feminine hygiene kits and the education that must accompany the kits at distribution to girls and women in the Gros Morne area of Haiti. Girls and women have a need for period security. In the mountainous, rural area of Gros Morne, Haiti, retail menstrual products are not available and if they were, most girls and women could not afford them. Many girls and women have not been educated about menstrual cycles and human reproduction. This Days for Girls distribution would provide both. A Days for Girls kit includes: 2 pair of underwear, 2 shields, 8 liners, 1 carry bag (moisture proof), 1 washcloth, 1 small bar of soap, 1 instruction card with calendar on back, and a beautiful drawstring bag/backpack to carry items discreetly. Of the 800 DfG kits 600 are already made and paid for. We are requesting funding for: • The remaining 200 kits • Partial shipping of kits from Livonia, MI to Nashville, TN • Shipping by container from Nashville to Port Au Prince, Haiti • Shipping from Port Au Prince to Gros Morne • Distribution and teaching will be done by Ramonia Joseph, a student nurse, native Haitian, already trained to teach the DfG curriculum. • Post distribution survey (including school attendance) to determine effectiveness of DfG kit distribution and education. Survey data collected by Ramonia Joseph. This grant will directly affect 800 girls and women in Gros Morne, Haiti (and nearby villages).

    Requested Amount of Grant: $3,000

    CLICK HERE to watch video

  • Grant Proposal: 1) Zaman is seeking support for its literacy initiative, a component of Building Ongoing Opportunity through Skills Training (BOOST). BOOST is a workforce development program that teaches women the soft and hard skills needed to secure employment in industrial sewing and culinary arts. It improves the language proficiency of native and non-native speakers alike and offers ESL, pre-GED, digital, and job readiness literacy programs. The American Community Survey states 5.3% of Wayne County residents do not speak English. Most live in Dearborn (44.55%) and Dearborn Heights (26.86%), communities that are home to many of Zaman’s clients. The population of non-native speakers is projected to grow as Afghani refugees are expected to settle in these areas in the coming months. Poor language skills also impact native speakers. The illiteracy rate in Detroit, also served by Zaman, is reported to be 47%. Gaining English proficiency is essential to becoming integrated into the workforce. It allows people to complete pre-requisites for employment like securing a high school diploma or GED and skills-based training that prepares them for industry-specific work. 2) Zaman will address the need by offering multi-level training that increases low-literacy levels. The lessons are delivered through one-on-one and small group tutoring that aligns pacing and intensity to students’ abilities. The ESL program uses Laubach Way to Reading, Challenger, Side by Side, and Burlington English online curricula. Tutoring sessions involve conversational dialogue and listening, reading, and writing. Burlington English is also used with native speakers who need to improve their aptitude. It provides students with a foundation of basic vocabulary, language structures, work, and life skills, so they will be able to communicate and interact in any environment. It also allows instructors to integrate workforce prep and career ready skills. As many of the tools used to teach literacy are web-based, students have access to a digital literacy coordinator who helps them access lessons and complete homework online. Participants receive two hours of literacy instruction coupled with 2.5 hours of vocational training twice a week for 35 weeks. Those not interested in training can receive up to four hours of literacy. 3) Clients come from Detroit, Inkster, Dearborn, and Dearborn Heights. Data from 2020 and 2019 documents unemployment in Detroit as 25% and Inkster as 8.3%, among the highest in Michigan. Conversely, rates in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights are among the lowest at 3.8 and 4.1%, respectively. Poverty in Detroit, Inkster, Dearborn, and Dearborn Heights are 35, 33.5, 28.2, and 18.6%, respectively-all among the highest in the state. This suggests that even in areas with relatively low unemployment, families are not earning enough to avoid poverty. 4) Zaman’s goal is to help students achieve English fluency so they can gain employment. The program has a strong job readiness component that helps students write resumes and prepare for interviews. Zaman expects to serve 80 women. 5) Success is determined by attendance, technical skills mastery, and comprehension of written industry terminology. Zaman uses Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS), a nationally recognized exam, to measure skill development. The organization also asks participants to complete an end-of-year survey to assess their qualitative experiences.

    Requested Amount of Grant: $10,000

    CLICK HERE to watch video

  • Grant Proposal: Motown Soup, Inc. is a charity comprised of ALL volunteers that has been in business for over 15 years. During this period of time, Motown has identified about 100 different charities that focus their efforts on working with the homeless and hungry in the state of Michigan. Motown has donated nearly $1.5 million of our profits to these charities over the 15 years. Motown identifies charities in the various markets across Michigan that we sell in for our donations. With the community supporting Motown through purchases, we support the community with donations. The Motown Soup volunteers develop recipes, purchase the ingredients, assemble the mixes, seal the plastic product bags (for product safety), label the mixes, package the mixes, and market the mixes in craft shows, on the internet and in various stores across the state of Michigan. Each of the assembled packages must be heat sealed at the time of assembly. Our donation request is to replace six (6) of our current heat sealers so we can continue our work supporting the charities and communities for many more years.

    Requested Amount of Grant: $1,955

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  • Grant Proposal: The abuse of women is widespread and pervasive throughout the United States. In Michigan, the State Police reported over 57,000 domestic violence incidents in 2019, with over 22,000 of those incidents occurring in Wayne County. Many others went unreported. Since 2015, Mend on the Move has served survivors of abuse (physical, mental and sexual) in the Detroit Metropolitan area, helping them on their journey toward healing. Victims of abuse are at an increased risk for substance abuse, future violence, high-risk sexual behavior, and lower educational and employment attainment. Through like-minded resources and referrals, Mend on the Move targets survivors of abuse who need employment as a step toward healing, financial stability, and independence. Program Description: By providing employment, mentoring, and skill building opportunities, Mend on the Move helps women overcome the effects of abuse and rebuild their lives. Our makers (survivors) create jewelry from donated auto parts and salvaged car seat leather – a symbol of our commitment to serve women in the Motor City. We foster self-confidence, increase workplace skills, and provide work experience, so our makers can build a better future in a work setting that is safe and encouraging. Mend on the Move, however, is about more than employment. We seek to foster continued growth and healing, which is why we are introducing our More Mending initiative. This two-year program will provide the wraparound services that survivors need to heal by encouraging them to set goals and work toward achieving them. With the guidance of an on-staff social worker, participants can set and work toward realizing educational, mental, spiritual, or physical well-being goals, as well as career goals within or beyond Mend. To make this program possible, however, an investment in human capital is necessary. Hiring a part-time social worker who has the requisite resources, skills and compassion is a pivotal next step. Projected Goals and Benefits: A grant from the Hope Lutheran Church would allow Mend on the Move to accomplish the following: • Hire a part-time social worker to guide More Mending • Help survivors continue the healing process by providing financial resources and support for personal growth and future stability beyond the employment opportunity to include mending as a whole. • Coordinate an off-site retreat for our employees in January 2022 to motivate, encourage and jump start the More Mending initiative. Since 2015, Mend on the Move has worked with over 60 women in the Detroit area. More Mending would include five women survivors. Evaluation: The More Mending program has begun with employees completing a Goals and Accountability survey and meeting one-on-one with a therapist who is a member of the Mend board of directors to establish tangible and realistic goals. There will be six-month check-in periods and final evaluation at the end of the two-year period to monitor and evaluate participants’ progress towards their goals and overall effectiveness of the program.

    Requested Amount of Grant: $10,000

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  • Grant Proposal: C4 Urban Outreach is a non-profit, 100% volunteer-based organization that has distributed food, clothes, and other items every Sunday for the last eight years. Each week regardless of weather or holidays, volunteers meet in a parking lot on 21 Peterboro Street in Detroit to serve. They currently help approximately 125 people each week at this location. The organization’s four C’s stand for Christ-Centered, Compassion, Commitment, and Consistency. All of these attributes are seen in the volunteers who consistently pray with and support the people that they serve. Many of these volunteers were once served by this organization, so they realize firsthand the life changing impact of C4. Hope Lutheran’s grant has completely changed C-4, allowing more food and donations to be brought each week. This was especially important during the pandemic when C-4 was only able to give out bagged lunches. Without the truck, fewer meals would have been served. The box truck has also allowed C-4 to accept furniture donations and focus more on helping people move into Section 8 housing. This year C-4 is asking for a grant to help individuals in Detroit, especially for single moms to move into Section 8 housing. This will include kitchen, bathroom, and bedding supplies which will help families with the transition into their new homes. Although these may seem like simple items they can be a large burden on a struggling family. Providing these items will help 4 to 5 families in Detroit restart their lives with the support they need and deserve. If C4 is chosen for this grant they will rate their efficiency by the number of household items given to families moving into Section 8 housing. These items purchased by the grant will help families restart in their new homes more easily. This grant will allow C-4 to serve more people and show God’s love to people who are struggling.

    Requested Amount of Grant: $2,000

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  • Grant Proposal: As CARES in Farmington Hills looks to reopen our free, in-person, client choice pantry and return to offering events and classes, we need tables and chairs to make programs come to a reality. It may only seem that we are requesting funding for tables and chairs, but without them we cannot do the programs that individuals and families might need. We hope to start offering programs, classes and events again after the first of the year. As we have learned throughout the pandemic, families are going to need support in many different areas. Classes around financing, fitness, healthy-eating programs, health awareness, cooking-on-a-budget, reading and writing programs, resume writing, classes for individuals trying to obtain their GED (this would be in partnership with our school district), and other programs that are needed to support people as we continue to come out of the COVID pandemic. Not only are we excited to have programs back once again in our building, but to reopen our space for meetings and events is something we are truly looking forward to. Your gift would also support our fundraisers to reinforce our food costs, smaller community events, opportunities to invite organizations and businesses in to hold meetings in our space (in doing these more people learn about us and how they can support the needs of others), and faith groups that can use the space to hold meetings, youth groups such as Youth United to learn how to do community work, and become more acquainted with CARES. The chance to hold events once again - like our Interfaith Thanksgiving celebration - would be amazing. It may seem to be an odd request to ask for funding to buy tables and chairs, but it really is more about the people that occupy those chairs and sit at those tables. Your gift would afford us the opportunity to work with families and individuals in more ways than just providing food. Working around the idea of Kindness, Compassion and Caring is what we strive for here at CARES in Farmington Hills on our Campus of Hope. It is not just feeding them that makes a difference, it is sharing opportunities to give a person more hope than they thought was possible. With this request, we at CARES are not asking you to stand up, we are asking you to sit with us to offer to help change a life and help make CARES more self-sustaining.

    Requested Amount of Grant: $8,000

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  • Grant Proposal: 2 Years ago, just prior to Covid Pandemic, Hope Lutheran approved a Grant for all the Steel windows, doors, and burglar proofing for the STEM & Vocation Lab HHTH built in Masisi, S. Africa. The building is completed and they are truly grateful for the part Hope Lutheran played that brought this dream in to reality. The STEM & Vocation Lab is a beautiful beacon of hope for the children, teachers, and community. We now need to equip the STEM Lab and the Vocation Lab so these Bush Children can compete with the children in the larger towns The Labs need scientific equipment to get the proper level of education to compete and be qualified for the opportunity to seek higher education (University) , thus qualifying them for positions that would earn them a salary to take them above poverty level. 1. We propose that some "bare bones" equipment be purchased so the Learners are allowed to conduct experiments to make the book learning come alive for their science projects. And to purchase a few computers to help the learners do research, create records of their work and write reports. Currently the enrollment is projected to have 25 Learners per semester for the STEM Lab, and the Learners are already occupying the building with no scientific equipment to assist in their ability to learn. The Need is to be able to experiment, research and write reports to cement their learning and satisfy the requirements for University.. They cannot adequately prepare for University without the necessary equipment other children have readily available to them. 2. The Project will address the issue/need for equipment , by providing the Learners with 6 microscopes and and 6 computers the Learners can share until more can be bought. 3. The target geographic and population: There are 6 Venda Villages in the area called "Venda Homeland." There is a population of about 20,000 people in the area. 4. The Goal is to furnish the STEM & Vocation Labs with the equipment to adequately teach the needed subjects so the Learners have the opportunity to go to University. The Benefit will allow the Learners to attain an education that makes it possible to earn a living and become a contributing member of society and not continue in a destiny of poverty. 5. Plans for evaluating effectiveness would be to SEE that the equipment is in the Labs and the Learners are using them. Their grades could be assessed. The number of Learners who enroll in the Science curriculum.

    Requested Amount of Grant: $3,900

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Hope's Outreach Gift Grant, headed by a distribution committee, was started some time ago and continues its purpose of annually dispersing $25,000 to individuals or non-profits who demonstrate a need for a grant. The spirit of this gift is to encourage organizations to apply ... organizations that will feel a real impact by receiving a grant.

An individual or non-profit organization may request up to the entire amount of $25,000, however, your application does not guarantee a grant of any amount.

Grant money is disbursed based on a vote of the congregation. To find out more, please read on for this year's process:

the timeline

  • September 12, 2021 - The application process opens.
  • October 1, 2021 - Application forms and supporting documentation are due (late submissions will not be accepted).
  • October 26, 2021 - Applicants will be notified if they are moving on in the application process. Applicants moving forward will be required to submit a 3 minute video. Hope will offer recording services if needed on November 7 & 8 by appointment only.
  • November 5, 2021 - Videos are due unless you are recording at Hope (late videos will not be accepted and will disqualify the applicant). 
  • November 12, 2021 - Online voting begins.
  • November 21, 2021 - Online voting ends.
  • November 22-December 4, 2021 - Applicants are notified of congregational voting results. A committee member will contact the recipient(s) to confirm results of vote and amount approved.
  • December 5, 2021 - Monies will be disbursed.

the guidelines


This section is for the person or organization who is nominating the person or organization for a grant. The sponsor can be an individual member or non-member of Hope Lutheran Church or an organization sponsoring another organization or community group.

Please be sure to fill in the contact information, especially the email address, as the sponsor will be kept informed of application and voting processes via email. The “relationship to applicant” could be friend, family member, benefactor, patron, etc.
This section is for the person or organization who would be receiving the grant. The contact person needs to be the individual with whom the committee can be in communication. If there is a direct phone number or email address for that person, it should be completed in this section. Also, please include the website and mission statement.
This section provides additional information about the applicant. Please check all that apply.

In this section, indicate the amount that the applicant is requesting and provide a brief description of your project and purpose as covered in the listed bullet points. Additional supporting documentation, such as financial information, is necessary.

* Please note that if you received a grant from Hope Lutheran Church last year, an additional form will need to be submitted and can be found in the GRANT APPLICATION section below.

the small print

Grant awards are for one year only and must be used within one year from the date of receipt. A grant may only be used for the purpose stated in the grant application.

If the funded program is not implemented, the grant funds must be returned to Hope Lutheran Church.  Applicants will not automatically be eligible for funds in the next grant cycle, yet may reapply when the following conditions have been met: 1) The funded program has been completed and all funds are expended. 2) The applicant has complied with all other grant conditions including submission of a final report.
Hope Lutheran Church through their Outreach Gift Distribution Committee performs due diligence on all grant applications. The committee considers the written application, telephone interviews and further research.
After a grant is awarded, applicants are asked to provide documentation about the project’s outcome. Hope Lutheran Church Outreach Gift Distribution Committee has the sole responsibility for the final approval of each grant. Since the committee receives funding requests that far exceed the available grant budget, not every worthy project can be funded.
In addition to applying for the grant, also consider the many ways that the Hope community may be able to help your organization fulfill its mission. Members do volunteer work and may be able to assist you with needed manpower. Hope Lutheran Church also has an annual Alternative Christmas Fair each November, which is an opportunity for charitable organizations to raise funds and awareness. If your organization would like to participate in the Alternative Christmas Fair, contact the church office by email or by phone 248-553-7170.

frequently asked questions


Anyone. Hope Lutheran Church through its Outreach Gift Distribution Committee (OGDC) encourages church members to let potential applicants know about the grant application process. All grant applications must be submitted online.


Completed application forms should be turned in to Hope Lutheran Church by October 1, 2021.


An individual or non-profit organization is eligible to receive a grant as long as the stated need aligns with the “spirit of the gift”.


Yes. Committee members will research the individual or organization seeking the grant. This may include background information on the organization, financial information, whether the grant will benefit capital, programmatic or human resources, the audience directly impacted from the grant, etc. This information is then shared with the entire committee.


Each year, the OGDC has $25,000 to disburse. An individual or organization can request up to this amount. A request does not guarantee that any or all of these funds will be distributed to any applicant.


The committee reaches consensus on the candidates to be selected. Each individual or organization which makes it to this phase will need to make a short 2 minute video in support of their application. This video will be made available to the congregation for viewing. Members of the congregation then cast their vote as to which individual/organization they would like to see receive a grant. The results of voting determine the final applicant selections and automatically prioritize the amount to be awarded to each.


This year, voting will occur online between November 12 and 21, 2021.

A committee member will contact the applicant(s) to confirm the grant and its amount some time between November 22 and December 4, 2021.

December 5, 2021


Applications are submitted online (see below).

grant application

Grant applications are now online! Please scroll down to fill it out. If you have questions or need help filling out the application, please call Hope Lutheran Church at 248-553-7170 during business hours which are Monday through Thursday, 10:00am to 3:00pm.

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