Hope for Tomorrow, Strength for the Journey

October1, 2024 through December 31, 2024

  • Update 10-18-24

    2024 Year-End Gifts - $4906.16

    2025 Pledges - $385

Hope Siblings in Christ,

Now through December 31, Hope Lutheran Church will hold our Stewardship outreach for 2024-2025. We are excited to be starting "Hope for Tomorrow, Strength for the Journey," sharing our vision for the future of Hope, for the healthy growth of the church, and for the sustainment of our facilities. Our year-end stewardship goal for this year is $85,000.00.

We called Pastor Amy Cooley Higgs earlier this past year to move forward with Children, Youth, and Family Ministry at Hope. Now, given the departure of Pastor Kristin Swenson as Senior Pastor, it is time to discern where God is calling us in the future. People are Hope’s most precious assets; without you we cannot grow and share the Gospel, especially with those who need to hear it. Our ministry together brings God's Word into our daily lives, cements our foundation in faith, and offers hope for the future.

Each family … each member … of Hope is critically important. With a strong vision for the future, along with worship, faith formation, and outreach opportunities for all ages, we can sustain, grow, and continue to thrive in our ministry. Sustainment at Hope is all encompassing to each of our programs: faith formation, music, worship, community outreach, daily operations, and administration. All require facilities and infrastructure that are critical and that allow our outreach to touch everyone.

We are asking two things during this campaign. Please pray and reflect on each of these two items:

  • a year-end gift toward our $85,000 goal (click here to give online)
  • a pledge toward our 2025 Operational Budget (click here to complete your pledge online)

In Ephesians 2:20, Paul describes the church as "having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone." Your year-end extra gift keeps Hope on a solid foundation by allowing us to end the year with a clean balance sheet.

In Second Corinthians, we learn that “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” So, as you pledge your support for Hope’s ministries in 2025, consider that the 2024 budget depended on average, annual household giving of about $2,900. In 2025, some cannot do this; some can do much more than this. Whatever your gift, thank you for your continued generosity.

Also, while we are focusing on a stewardship goal of $85,000, please know that stewardship is not just financial; it also involves giving to the church through serving. Serving encompasses any number of activities, such as offering one's skills as a teacher or as a small-group leader or as a worship assistant. It also includes sharing musical talents, volunteering for the audio/visual team … the list and the needs are truly endless! We invite you to immerse yourself spiritually by sharing your talents and time to bless Hope.

In my brief time as a member of Hope, one thing stands out: when asked to help with a cause or special giving, Hope never fails. I dearly want to thank each one of you for your prayers, time, and thoughtful gift toward supporting Hope for Tomorrow, Strength for the Journey.


John C. Davis

Stewardship Chair