2024 Stewardship Campaign
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” - Matthew 19:14
2024 Stewardship Campaign
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” - Matthew 19:14
2023 Year End Financial Update and Thank you!
Thanks to the many friends and members of Hope who responded generously to the Hope for the Future Campaign! Between generous stewardship gifts of $61,250 and strong overall giving in December ($127,000), Hope finished the year with its first surplus ($7,600) in a decade. Again, thank you!
For those who have made a pledge for 2024, or those who would still like to do so, please visit the “Give” tab or contact the church office at 248-553-7170 or if you need help setting up an automated recurring gift.
Thank You Hope!
Update: December 15, 2023
As we bring to a close our Hope for the Future Stewardship Campaign, we’ve made great progress including over 50 blue 2024 Giving Commitment cards and more than $48,500 pledged in 2023 year-end giving. There's still time to give -- if you have not yet contributed and if your circumstances allow, please help us reach our $60,000 goal by completing and returning the commitment cards or by giving online at under the “Give” tab.
CELEBRATION SUNDAY: Join us this Sunday, December 17, for Celebration Sunday when we give thanks for the gifts received during both services then celebrate together with a special reception between services in the Welcome Center.
Again, thank you for sharing in the mission of Hope Lutheran Church with your time, talents, and financial resources, as together we bring Hope for the Future!
Hope for the Future: Stories of Hope
As we end our 2024 Stewardship Campaign, members of our community continue to share their stories of why they give and their hope for the future:
Hope for the Future: Stories of Hope
As we close in on the final few weeks of our 2024 Stewardship Campaign, members of our community share their stories of why they give, and their hope for the future:
Update: November 27, 2023
We’ve made great progress to date, including over 30 blue 2024 Giving Commitment cards and more than $23,200 pledged in 2023 year-end giving. If you have not yet contributed and if your circumstances allow, please help us reach our goals by completing and returning the commitment cards or by giving online at under the “Give” tab.
Mark your calendar and join us for Celebration Sunday on December 17, when we will give thanks for the gifts received at both 8:30am Traditional and 10:30am Modern worship services and celebrate together with a special reception between services in the Welcome Center.
Again, thank you for sharing in the mission of Hope Lutheran Church with your time, talents, and financial resources, as together we bring Hope for the Future!
Update: November 15, 2023
Hello Hope!
Thank you for your support and generosity as we work towards our stewardship campaign goals as part of “Hope for the Future”. As of November 15, we have received 17 year-end gifts totaling $18,850, which has us at 31.4% towards our goal of $60,000! We have also already received 23 Commitment Cards for 2024 Giving totaling $94,000. We just approved a 2024 budget that counts on $620,000 in giving, so we’re 15% toward that goal. Thank you so much to those of you who have already responded, and we look forward to what we can accomplish together to be and to bring “Hope for the Future”!
Hope is excited to launch our stewardship campaign as we look to 2024 with hope for the future! Please check out this introductory video from Pastor Kristin and Amy Finley, SPC President, outlining our hopes and goals for this campaign, and how you can get involved:
Please watch your mail in the coming week for additional information and ways to participate in building our hope for the future!
Throughout November and December, Hope is focusing our worship and our response to God through the giving of our time and treasure in “Hope for the Future”. This stewardship campaign and worship series is focused on diving deeper into our calling as followers of Jesus to share the love God has given us, especially to our young people. Throughout his ministry, Jesus placed emphasis on children and the importance of looking to them as an example of faith. Throughout scripture, God’s people are called to share faith with one another, and to pass faith on to the next generation. Throughout this series, we will explore the importance of our children and youth in leading the church into the future, and how all generations play an important role in continuing the ministry of Christ’s church today. This series will also overlap with the season of Advent, which is a season of hope and expectation for the coming of Jesus into our hearts and lives at Christmas, bringing us hope for the future as a little child. Please join us this season as we ponder together how we might both experience and help bring about God’s “Hope for the Future”.
Click here for more information about Hope for the Future Worship Series.